Pierrot le Fou

Freitags #4

Freitags #4. Every Friday we post links to news, articles, media, events and other assorted sources of distraction that we've unearthed through the week. This week features the third Scottish Independent Music Fair, Kraftwerk, My Bloody Valentine, Last Shop Standing Jean-Luc Godard, Vic Godard and a preview of upcoming articles on the site.

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Freitags #3

Freitags #3. Every Friday we post links to news, articles, media, events and other assorted sources of distraction that we've unearthed through the week. This week features: Pierrot le Fou, Vertigo magazine on Jean-Luc Godard, Richard Brody's Everything Is CinemaAmour and Electric Sheep Magazine's interview with director Michael Haneke, a new video and tour dates from Veronica Falls, the announcement of Golden Grrrls debut LP on Night School and Slumberland, and a quick nod to this weekend's Neu! Reekie and VIC.ism events.

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Freitags #2

Freitag #2. Every Friday we post links to news, articles, media, events and other assorted sources of distraction that we've unearthed through the week. This week features: the BBFC, Lawrence of Arabia, Edinburgh's Catalan FIlm Festival, The Blue Nile, Alasdair Gray, The Pastels, Neu! Reekie!, TeenCanteen,  Eugene Kelly, Summerhall, Vic Godard, Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot le Fou, The Sexual Objects and James Kirk.

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